Salazopyrin Warnings

Precautions During the Treatment

Patients treated with Salazopyrin/Salazopyrin EN-tabs should be under medical supervision.

Bone marrow depression and leucopenia have been reported, usually within the first 3 months of starting treatment. In the vast majority of patients this has been reversible on stopping the drug. A full blood count, including differential white blood cell count, should be carried out before starting treatment and monitored closely during the first 3 months of treatment. There after patients should be screened if their condition changes or if they present with symptoms infection, however mild clinically. A falling trend in the blood count is a better indication than a single value.

Red cell and platelet counts should be carried out before and periodically during therapy.

Salazopyrin tablets should be used with caution in patients with reduced kidney or liver function. Liver function tests and urinalysis should be carried out before and periodically during therapy.

If serious toxic or hypersensitivity reactions occur, the drug should be discontinued immediately.

Patients with glucose-6-phosphatede-hydrogenase deficiency should be closely observed for signs of haemolytic anaemia.

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