Btrol (Tranexamic Acid) Dosage

Recommended Dosage of Btrol

Immediately before dental extraction in patients with hemophilia, administer 10 mg per kg body weight of Btrol intravenously together with replacement therapy (see PRECAUTIONS). Following surgery, a dose of 25 mg per kg body weight may be given orally three or four times daily for 2 to 8 days. Alternatively, tranexamic acid can be administered entirely orally, 25 mg per kg body weight 3 to 4 times a day beginning one day prior to surgery. Parenteral therapy, 10 mg per kg body weight 3 to 4 times daily can be used for patients unable to take oral medication.

For intravenous infusion, Btrol Injection may be mixed with most solutions for infusion such as electrolyte solutions, carbohydrate solutions, amino acid solutions and dextran solutions. The mixture should be prepared the same day the solution is to be used. Heparin may be added to Btrol injection. Btrol injection should NOT be mixed with blood. The drug is a synthetic amino acid, and should NOT be mixed with solutions containing penicillin.


There is no known case of overdosage. Symptoms of overdosage may be nausea, vomiting, orthostatic symptoms and/or hypotension.

Drug Interactions

Drugs with actions on haemostasis should be given with caution to patients on antifibrinolytic therapy. The potential for thrombus, for example the action of the antifibrinolytic antagonized by compounds such as thrombolytics. Btrol should not be administered with factor IX complex concentrates or anti inhibitor coagulant concentrates, as the risk of thrombosis may be increased.

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